Adult Spanish (live French translation) 60 minutes Available for touring

Memento Mori

Co-produced by Luna Morena and La Tortue Noire

Memento Mori is a Latin phrase, which translates into “Remember that you will die.” This production is a theatrical experiment in which actors, objects and puppets all share the stage, to present what is essentially an allegory of our multiple fears of Death. In this uncommon artwork, mankind becomes the witness of the frailty of his own body. Driven by the desire and the necessity to live, a woman desperately tries to find some kind of balance with a crutch while a man tries to resist the weight of a wall which collapses on him…

The performances of the actors and puppeteers magnifies the evocative power of the spectacle’s images. The audience witnesses particles of human existence which remind us that Life needs to be celebrated.

Volante Memento (1)
  • Artistic Director, Miguel Angel Guittiérrez
  • Director, Dany Lefrançois
  • Artistic Assistance, Sara Moisan
  • Hispanic Actors, Meztli Robles, Karina Hurtado, Andrès David
  • Francophone Actors, Martin Gagnon, Sara Moisan, Fanny Tousignant
  • Production Director, Daniela Lopez
  • Costume Design, Andres David
  • Puppet and Objects Design and Manufacture, Miguel Angel Gutiérrez
  • Set and Sound Design, Ivan Puig
  • Production Assistant, Claudia Anguiano
  • Director, Luna Morena Liliana Rojas
  • Creative Intern, Fanny Tousignant
Extracts from press reviews
  • ‘‘The audience was moved by the sensibility with which the artists approached the mystery of Death. Rather than unsettling or frightening us, this production brings each of us back to our own humanity.’’ -Journal Le Quotidien, Canada
Presentation History
  • 2015

    Théâtre expérimental, Guadalajara, Mexique
    Festival international des arts de la marionnette (FIAMS), Saguenay, Canada

  • 2014

    Teatro IMSS de Guadalajara, Guadalajara, Mexique

  • For their support during the creation of this play, La Tortue Noire would like to thank the Conseil des Art du Canada, the Conseil des Arts et Lettres du Québec, the Conseil des Arts de Saguenay, the City of Saguenay, the Festival International des Arts de la Marionnette à Saguenay (FIAMS), the University of Québec in Chicoutimi, Fonca, Conaculta, Secretaria General de la Cultura, Gobierno del Estado de Jalisco, Andador Teatral Guadalajara and BBVA Bancomer.

Prochaines représentations

There are no upcoming shows at the moment!


fiams-mementomori-1 Photo par: Fiams
obra_mementomori7-teteglace Photo par: Luna Morena
FIAMS-MementoMori-6 Photo par: Fiams
mementotete Photo par: Fanny Tousignant
dsc_0241 Photo par: Luna Morena
10351906_1418949885058819_5387612726261623494_n Photo par: Luna Morena

Upcoming events

24 AU 26 October 2024

L’Autre dans la cité Afrique

RIMA: Rencontres Internationales de la Marionnette, Côte-D’Ivoire, Afrique

  • Thursday 24 October
  • Friday 25 October
  • Saturday 26 October
Infos festival
24 AU 26 October 2024

L’Autre dans la cité Afrique

RIMA: Rencontres Internationales de la Marionnette, Côte-D’Ivoire, Afrique